Personal Data Protection, Privacy Policy, and Cookies

By reading, browsing, or using the online service or publications contained on, you accept the rules contained in the Privacy Policy available on the site.

As the owner of, I reserve the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy.

Every person using in any way is bound by the current Privacy Policy.

The changes do not affect the basic principle:

We do not sell or share customers'/users' personal or address data to third parties.

If you do not agree with the Privacy Policy, please do not visit

Personal Data Protection

Basic Information

The data controller is Gambilongo LTD, located at 55 Lovat Road, Preston, England, PR1 6DQ,

Company Number 10090820, TAX ID 526 323 95 86, VAT No. PL 526 323 95 86.

We obtained your data in connection with the execution of an order for products from For detailed information on how we process your personal data, please direct your inquiry to our designated Data Protection Officer, i.e., email: or postal address:

Data Protection Officer:

Gambilongo LTD, 55 Lovat Road, Preston, England, PR1 6DQ.

Purpose of Processing Your Data

Processing your personal data is necessary to execute and deliver your order.

Your data, i.e., first name, last name, address, email address, telephone number, TAX ID, company name and address, are necessary to:

- facilitate purchases, ensure proper direct service, order delivery, handle complaints, direct and indirect marketing, promotional offers, and if necessary, for debt collection, legal proceedings,

- service through the contact form, email or phone,

- conduct statistical data,

- ensure accountability,

- perform correct tax and accounting settlements.

Guarantee of Fulfilling All Your Rights under the Data Protection Regulation

- the right to access and rectify data (feedback should occur within 1 month from the date of receiving the request): if you notice that your data is incomplete or incorrect.

- the right to request a restriction on processing your data: if your data is processed unlawfully but you do not want it deleted or if your data is no longer needed for contract execution but Gambilongo LTD needs it for debt collection purposes etc. We can restrict the processing of your data if you object or request their deletion until Gambilongo LTD determines whether your request is justified.

- the right to request deletion of your data if:

  a. Your data is no longer needed for contract execution, i.e., they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

  b. Your data is processed unlawfully.

- you have the option to file a complaint regarding the improper processing of personal data to the supervisory authority, which is the General Inspector for Personal Data Protection.

- you may object to the processing of your data, especially regarding data processing in which there is a legally justified interest pursued by the administrator and also data processed for direct marketing purposes. Utilizing the right to object does not lead to Gambilongo LTD deleting all data, only to stop using them.

Data Retention Period

It is necessary to retain data for the entire period of the service contract execution. After its termination, it is justified to keep the data for an additional 3 years (the period of claims limitation) or possibly until the end of the debt collection process, legal process, or enforcement proceedings. At the same time, to fulfill the principle of accountability, we may store data as long as required by public authorities and tax regulations.

Sharing Personal Data

Gambilongo LTD may transfer your data in accordance with the law to public authorities fighting fraud and abuse. Gambilongo LTD may also share your data for debt collection, bailiff enforcement, or at the request of tax authorities. Your data may be processed automatically, however, this will not have any legal effects against you. Profiling involves processing your data by using them to assess certain customer information such as interests, gender, age, whether you are an entrepreneur or a working person. While using the portal, you may be asked to provide some of your personal data by filling out a form or otherwise.

The data you will be asked for are mostly your name and email address.

In the case of order forms, you will be asked for full personal data. Failing to provide required data will block the activity related to these data if they are necessary for its proper execution.

Free e-book subscription

Subscribing to an electronic and free e-book requires providing your name, email address, and gender, and possibly additional data you will be asked for in the appropriate form. All fields are mandatory. Data obtained in this way are added to the mailing list of the e-zine. The email address is necessary to send a given reader an issue of the magazine. The name allows me to address readers by their first name.

Gender is a statistical data regarding my readers.

Ordering Services and Products

Ordering services and products offered by requires providing fuller address data in the appropriate form. Mandatory fields are marked.

In the case of payment by credit card, customer service is taken over by the payment system.

In this case, only the owner of the payment system knows and is responsible for the data provided in his forms. Payment system forms are located on its server and are encrypted with appropriate technologies.

Unsolicited messages

I reserve the right to send unsolicited messages to people whose contact details I have and who have agreed to the Privacy Policy.

By unsolicited messages, I mean information directly related to his services, e-books (trainings), services and products (e.g., changes, internal promotions), non-commercial letters (e.g., wishes, personal comments, etc.), and commercial information whose distribution was paid for by customers of

Entities commissioning commercial mailings do not have access to the contact details of people on the mailing lists.

Commercial information is filtered as much as possible, their volume is limited, and they are sent sporadically.

Other Forms

Forms hosted on the service concerning services and products not supported by are not subject to the Privacy Policy.


Some areas of may use cookies, which are small text files sent to the internet user's computer identifying him in a way necessary to simplify or cancel a given operation.

The condition for their operation is their acceptance by the browser and not deleting them from the disk. More information can be found in the cookie policy.


The user publishes information and opinions solely at their own risk.

The administrator does not bear any responsibility for the content posted by users in comments.

It is unacceptable to post comments that:

1. are illegal or against social coexistence rules

2. violate the rights of third parties

3. are vulgar or obscene

4. promote violence, racial or religious hatred, or are otherwise reprehensible

5. are advertisements

6. are spam or unsolicited commercial information

7. contain pornographic content

- The Administrator has the right to remove statements that violate the above provisions, as well as other statements deemed by the Administrator to be cumbersome, offensive, or unnecessary.

- The Administrator has the right to freely manage comments.

In particular, it may, without stating reasons, suspend the ability to post comments, remove comments from the Service, or change the rules of their functioning.


The Privacy Policy does not apply to services and companies whose contact details are given on the page.


I created to provide users passionate about coffee with knowledge, products, and accessories.

The advice I provide should be thoroughly analyzed, compared with your own case, possibly confronted with other similar publications, and only then, if they seem appropriate in a given case, implemented.

My own articles and guest articles always agree with my opinion.

Opinions expressed by the community in forums, comments, or otherwise, do not always agree with my own. and its owners do not take responsibility for posted ads.

Buyers should be cautious in responding to an ad or sending money. Although I take great care to ensure that advertisers who publish their ads here are reliable, I cannot be responsible for their actions. Advertiser address details and offer details can be considered certain only at the moment of publication.