The owner of the online store shop.sesso.cafe is:

Gambilongo LTD

55 Lovat Road Preston Lancashire United Kingdom, PR1 6DQ

Company Number 10090820, TAX ID 526 323 95 86, VAT No. PL 526 323 95 86

Contact with the Seller is possible via e-mail: sklep@sesso.cafe and hotline: +48 502 114 115 (call cost according to the operator's tariff).

I. Definitions

1. In these terms and conditions of the online store www.shop.sesso.cafe, hereinafter referred to as the "Terms and Conditions", the following terms shall mean: Seller – Gambilongo LTD, 55 Lovat Road Preston Lancashire United Kingdom, PR1 6DQ, Company Number 10090820, TAX ID 526 323 95 86, VAT No. PL 526 323 95 86

2. Store – the online store located on the website www.shop.sesso.cafe and its subpages

3. Customer – any person who has entered into an agreement with the Seller to set up an account in the Store or has placed an order without setting up an account; this term also refers to a person who does not have an Account and is in the process of placing an order

4. Account – a Customer's account set up by them in the Store in accordance with the rules defined in the Terms and Conditions

5. Policy – Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, available under the Privacy and Cookies Policies tab

II. General provisions

1. The purpose of the Store is retail sales of coffee, pastas, oils, and accessories. The Store conducts sales by mail order.

2. Prices on the store's page next to the offered products are gross prices and include 23% VAT, unless indicated otherwise. Product prices are given in Polish zlotys and do not include shipping costs.

3. Use of the Store does not require meeting any special technical conditions by the Customer's computer or other device. What is required is: Internet access, an e-mail address, and a standard operating system and web browser.

4. Proper use of the Store, as well as placing an order, requires enabling cookies in the web browser. Detailed information regarding cookies is contained in the Privacy and Cookies Policy provisions.

5. Using the Store and making purchases implies full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and the Policy.

6. The Seller informs that it is obliged to deliver goods free from defects. Minimal differences in the perception of product colors may result from individual monitor settings. Product dimensions may slightly differ from those stated in the offers.

7. All photos on the Store's website are the property of the Seller and their use without his consent is not allowed.

III. Registration and logging in

1. Making purchases in the Store requires registration (creation) of a user Account or so-called purchases without registration (providing data enabling order placement, without the possibility of later logging into the customer account). Registration aims to obtain by the Seller the data necessary to execute the agreement, facilitate communication with the Customer during the order fulfillment process, and expedite and shorten the time of placing subsequent orders.

2. To create an Account, it is necessary to fill out the registration form by providing the following information: first name, surname, e-mail address, contact telephone number, delivery address for goods, and password. It is prohibited to include unlawful content in the form. Personal data is processed in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, in a manner preventing access to it by unauthorized third parties.

3. In accordance with the aforementioned regulation, Customers have the right to access their personal data, correct it, and request its deletion. After logging in, the Customer has constant access to their data and can change it using the "Your Account" tab.

4. By sending the registration form, the Customer declares that they have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions below and consents to the processing of personal data by the store necessary for order fulfillment.

5. After registration, the Customer can log into the online store shop.sesso.cafe using the username and password provided during registration.

IV. Ordering procedure

1. Orders can be placed in the Store 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

2. The Customer compiles an order by browsing products in the store and selecting the "Add to cart" option on the product page. When ready to place an order, use the "Proceed to checkout" link located on the Cart page.

3. During the entire shopping process, the Customer has the ability to view and edit the contents of their cart (adding and removing products and changing the quantity of a particular product in the cart).

4. In the Cart (order summary), the products previously selected by the Customer and information about the total value of the order are displayed. By clicking the "Proceed to checkout" button, the Customer sequentially indicates:

- billing address

- delivery address, to which the previously selected products are to be delivered

- delivery method

- payment form.

5. Performing the above actions and pressing the "Buy and pay" button means placing an order in the store and concluding a sale-purchase agreement for the products covered by the order.

6. A message containing the order summary and confirming the acceptance of the order for fulfillment will be sent to the Customer's e-mail address.

V. Order fulfillment

1. By clicking the "Buy and pay" icon, the Customer accepts the offer according to its description and price and agrees to the transaction being carried out according to the Terms and Conditions.

2. The price visible next to the product at the time of placing the order is binding for the Parties of the transaction.

3. Orders will be accepted for fulfillment immediately, no later than within 3 business days after the Customer places the order.

4. All orders are fulfilled carefully, precisely, and in the shortest possible time – usually within 24 hours.

5. In case it is impossible to fulfill the Customer's order due to the lack of any item from the order, the Customer will be informed about this fact immediately. If the Customer agrees, the order will be fulfilled without the missing items. Otherwise, the order will not be executed and – if a prepayment was made – the entire amount received will be returned to the Customer.

6. Orders in the store will not be executed in case the order form is incorrectly filled out or if incomplete personal data is provided, including an incorrect, untrue, or incomplete delivery address for the goods.

VI. Payment and delivery

1. Customers can make payments for placed orders directly to the Seller's bank account:

Bank Pko BP in Poland in PLN currency: 03 1020 4027 0000 1502 1385 0179

Gambilongo LTD, 55 Lovat Road Preston Lancashire, United Kingdom, PR1 6DQ, Company Number 10090820, TAX ID 526 323 95 86, VAT No. PL 526 323 95 86

If the order is not paid within 3 days, the order will be canceled.

2. The Store enables electronic payments (via internet transfer or credit card, BLIK) for ordered products through the external payment system Przelewy24 offered by PayPro SA

Settlement Agent, ul. Kanclerska 15, 60-327 Poznań, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register maintained by the District Court Poznań Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, VIII Economic Department of the National Court Register under number KRS 0000347935, TAX ID 7792369887, REGON 301345068.

Instant payments are made according to the regulations of their operators.

3. Shipping costs within Poland are specified next to the products and range from 11 to 30 Polish zlotys.

4. Delivery in Poland is carried out through courier companies DPD, Inpost, Paczkomaty Inpost, personal delivery in the city of Szczecin.

VII. Conditions for product complaints

1. Complaints, i.e., reporting non-conformity of the purchased product with the agreement, will be considered based on generally applicable laws in the Republic of Poland. The goods subject to complaint should be sent at the Customer's expense to the correspondence address in Poland: Gambilongo LTD ul. Ładzin 67, 72-518 Ładzin Gm. Wolin

2. The basis for accepting a complaint is sending the complained product along with proof of purchase.

3. Proof of purchase is a fiscal receipt, VAT invoice, email printout confirming order placement in the store, or any other document confirming the transaction (e.g., bank transfer confirmation printout).

4. The complaint will be considered within 7 days from the date of delivery of the damaged product to the company's address.

5. In case of a recognized complaint, the product will be repaired or replaced with a new one and returned to the Customer's address at the Store's expense.

6. If the complained product cannot be repaired or replaced with a new one, the Store will return to the Customer the full sum for the defective product, along with additional incurred shipping costs, to the account specified by the Customer.

VIII. Withdrawal from the sales agreement/return of products

1. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the sales agreement concluded with the Seller, without giving any reason, within 14 days from the day on which the Customer took possession of the goods or on which a third party other than the carrier and indicated by the Customer took possession of the goods.

2. If the subject of the agreement is multiple goods delivered separately, this period expires after 14 days from the day on which the Customer took possession of the last item or in which a third party other than the carrier and indicated by the Customer took possession of the last item.

3. To exercise the right of withdrawal from the agreement, the Customer must inform the Seller of their decision to withdraw from the agreement by way of an unequivocal statement (for example, written communication sent by post to the address: Gambilongo LTD ul. Ładzin 67, 72-518 Ładzin Gm. Wolin or by email to the Seller's email address: office@biznes.center

4. The right of return described above does not apply to persons who acquire a given product in connection with their business activity, except for persons running a sole proprietorship (CEIDG), who make a purchase directly related to their business activity, which is not of a professional nature.

5. In case of withdrawal from the agreement, the Seller shall reimburse the Customer for all payments received from them, including the costs of delivery of the items (except for additional costs resulting from the Customer choosing a type of delivery other than the least expensive standard delivery method offered by the Seller), without undue delay, and in any event no later than 14 days from the day on which the Seller is informed of the Customer's decision to withdraw from the agreement.

6. The Seller will refund the payments using the same means of payment as used by the Customer for the initial transaction unless the Customer has expressly agreed otherwise; in any case, the Customer will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement.

7. The Seller may withhold reimbursement until it has received the goods back.

8. The Customer should send back the goods along with the return form to the Seller without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which they communicate their withdrawal from the agreement. The deadline is met if the Customer sends back the goods before the 14-day period has expired.

9. If the goods are not returned by the Customer within the required period for reasons attributable to the Customer, they are considered to be in default. In such a case, the Seller may claim damages resulting from the delay.

10. The Customer bears the direct costs of returning the goods.

11. The Customer is responsible for any diminished value of the goods resulting from handling other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the goods.

12. If the returned goods are excessively worn, damaged, or destroyed, the Seller has the right to charge the Consumer an amount of compensation for this. To this end, the Seller will invite the Buyer to pay, and then be entitled to offset the claim for compensation for the reduced value of the goods against the Customer’s claim for a refund of the costs resulting from the withdrawal from the contract.

13. The store does not accept shipments sent cash on delivery.

Return address:

Gambilongo LTD ul. Ładzin 67, 72-518 Ładzin Gm. Wolin

14. The template for the return form is located under these terms and conditions.

IX. Final provisions

1. In matters not regulated in these terms and conditions, the provisions of generally applicable law apply, in particular the Civil Code and the provisions of the Act on special conditions of consumer sale and amendment of the Civil Code (Journal of Laws No. 141 of 2002, item 1176) and the Act on the protection of certain consumer rights and on liability for damage caused by a dangerous product (Journal of Laws No. 22 of 2000, item 271).

2. In the event of changes to the Terms and Conditions, orders placed before the date of introduction of changes to these terms and conditions will be executed based on the rules in force before the introduction of changes.


Seller's details (return address): Gambilongo LTD ul. Ładzin 67, 72-518 Ładzin Gm. Wolin tel: +48 502 114 115, e-mail: sklep@sesso.cafe

Buyer's details:

Name and surname: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Telephone number: ………………………………

Email address: ……………………………………………………………………….

I hereby declare that, based on Article 27 of the Act of May 30, 2014 (Journal of Laws 2014 item 827) on consumer rights, I withdraw from the sales agreement of the following products:

Item No. Product name Price Qty. 1 2 3 4 5

Details of the agreement from which the Buyer withdraws:

Order number: ……………………………

Purchase date: ……………………………………

Order receipt date: ……………………

Return notification date: ……………………

Please refund the money to the account: _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ Account owner's details: as above or

Name and surname: …………………………………

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Please tick the reason for returning the purchased product for statistical purposes (not indicating a reason for return does not affect the consideration of the Withdrawal from the Agreement - Return): Wrong weight chosen

Taste not as expected

Delivery not as ordered

Product not as described

Other (what?) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

I have read the terms and conditions of the online store shop.sesso.cafe and the rules for making returns resulting from the Act of May 30, 2014 (Journal of Laws 2014 item 827) on consumer rights.

Date: …………………………………

Legible signature: …………………………………………………"